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Author Biography

Welcome and thanks for dropping in on us. If you feel like take a moment to look around while you're here, please continue scrolling this page you'll find details about Ajahn Salee Silapasatham, the author of Sawasdee coursebook. "Basic Thai Language for People Living Abroad" curriculum.

Author Biography

Name: Ajahn Salee Silapasatham

Education: Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Chulalongkorn University

Current position: Retired Government Official

Former Senior Professional Level Teacher

Ban Don Khun Huai School, Cha-am district, Phetchaburi province, Thailand


Work Experience:

  • English Curriculum Development Committee in B.E. 2544 (2001), B.E.2551 (2008), andB.E.2559 (2016)

  • Invited trainer on English Teaching Techniques for governmental agencies and generalagencies

  • Participant of “Teaching Thai Language and Cultures Program Abroad” with Faculty ofEducation, Chulalongkorn University in the United States and Australia

  • Participant of “English Language Teaching Techniques Training” in the United Kingdom(UK) and Australia

  • Guest Speaker at the invitation of the Royal Thai Embassy and various Thai communities in the US, UK, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark,Finland, Luxembourg, Svalbard Islands (Norway), and Indonesia



  • Teacher of the Year 1998 of Educational Area 5

  • National Teacher of the Year 1999 in English Language Teaching Category of the Office of the National Education Commission

ดาวน์โหลด ไฟล์ pdf/E-book : หนังสือแบบเรียน “สวัสดี” (หนังสือเรียนภาษาไทยระดับเตรียมทักษะเบื้องต้น) ฉบับสนับสนุนการจัดทำ โดย สถานกงสุลใหญ่ ณ นครลอสแอนเจลิส


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